Case Study: X

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X, a 15 year old boy, was referred to us by his father who was very concerned about his behaviour and involvement with negative peers/friends. He had experienced a first-hand knife attack on his friends and some of his friends getting into drug use and other criminal activities.

X took part in the majority of our summer programme activities, including the Knife Crime Workshop and Substance Misuse workshop, where he got a more in-depth insight from ex-gang members, victims, Metropolitan Police and other Community service providers, who work alongside each other to prevent Knife Crime and Substance Misuse.  He also learnt about the law and punishment for knife crime.

X also took part in our 2-day ASDAN Accredited Leadership Course. He learned valuable skills and knowledge on how to lead in a positive manner.

X was rewarded for his effort by being selected to go on a 3 day residential in Kent.

During his time there, he participated in Team Work, Communication, Problem Solving, Resilience, Leading and Supporting, Challenge & Risks, Self-Confidence, Motivation, Environmental Awareness courses, as well as learning life skills.

Since then, his outlook on life has changed and he wants to achieve more in life by continuing with education, concentrating on his GCSE mock exams. He also has a better circle of friends and social life.

His parents and brothers are very proud of him and hope he carries on to do well with his education & social life.

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Newark Youth London

Newark Youth London

We are a registered charity run by volunteers. Our aim is to work with young people and develop them as better citizens. We aim to help young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to take part in enjoyable and purposeful activities in their free time.

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